Things You'll Need
- Plywood or cardboard box
- Thermometer
- Lamp
- Pie tin
- Water
- Empty egg carton
Cut two small flaps in the box, measuring about 2 square inches. If you are using a plywood box, cut two removable 2-square inch squares. Close the flaps or replace the squares. Opening flaps or squares are useful in maintaining temperature and ventilation.
Place the box under a lamp with an adjustable height. Fill a pie tin with warm water and place it at the bottom of the box. Pigeon eggs require a high level of humidity in their incubator so that the chicks will not stick to the inside of the egg shell. Refill the pan each day.
Place a thermometer in the center of the box. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign recommends maintaining the temperature between 99 and 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Set the empty egg carton in the center of the box, close to the thermometer.