How to Store Chicken Feed

Chicken-feed, just like people-food, can spoil and attract rodents if not stored properly. Prevent wasted feed and money by keeping your chicken-feed in proper containers and making sure the containers are in a secure space. This will prevent contamination of the feed and keep other animals from trying to get at it. Storage containers for the feed are inexpensive and can be found lying around the house or can be purchased in a store.


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      Keep only a small supply. You'll want to make sure that you have enough food to feed your chickens but not so much that it goes bad before you can even feed them. The shelf-life for chicken-feed is short. It loses its nutritional value quickly and is susceptible to bug infestations and spoiling. Make sure that you only keep a three- or four-week supply of feed in order to prevent your feed from going bad too soon.

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      Store your chicken-feed in an airtight, resealable container. A plastic or metal trashcan with a tightly fitting lid works best, but you can also use jugs, plastic bins, jars, plastic ware or old coffee cans. It will work as long as the container has a lid that can be closed tightly.

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      Place the feed container in a cool, dry place with good ventilation. A storage shed works well. Do not place the container directly on the ground because condensation will form on the bottom of the container and the moisture will spoil the feed. Place the container on a wooden pallet where the air can circulate underneath and keep it dry.

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      Watch the "use by" dates on the feed. The nutrients and vitamins in the feed are usually depleted by the time the "use by" date passes, making the feed less potent and nutritional. If your chickens aren't getting the nutrients they need, they cannot grow or produce eggs.

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      Protect your feed from rodents. Despite keeping your feed in storage containers, rodents might still be attracted to the bins and will try to find ways to chew through the containers or get into them. Distract them by placing rat traps around the storage area. The rats will go for the traps first and will get caught before they even get to the feed.

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      Keep the storage area clean. Spilling chicken-feed on the ground around the containers will attract more rodents and vermin to the storage area. Once they figure out there is a source of food there they will keep coming back. Clean up any feed spills immediately and discard it so the rodents don't have a reason to come back.