How to Build an Aviary Roof for Budgies

A correctly designed aviary roof will keep your budgies safe and protect them from the elements. Pitched roofs are popular among budgie fanciers as they extend the amount of available space within an aviary. Nest boxes can be placed within such roofs and budgies can also perch or roost in this area, if sticks are provided for this purpose. Bird keepers, with the help of an assistant, can construct their own budgie aviary roof at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Eighteen, 2-inch-by-3-inch wooden planks, 65 inches long
  • Six, 2-inch-by-3-inch wooden planks, 90 inches long
  • One roll of wire, 16-gauge
  • Circular saw
  • Hammer
  • Wood nails
  • Staple gun and staples
  • Side cutters
  • Gloves
  • Ladder
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    • 1

      Ensure that zoning regulations do not dictate the aviary height. If such exist, they will influence the design of roof. Such regulations may require that the aviary itself be relocated to another site on the property.

    • 2

      Lay the different pieces of timber on level area, as close to the aviary as possible.

    • 3

      Set the circular saw to cut at a 30 degree angle. Cut each end of six, 65-inch long, 2-inch-by-3-inch wooden planks, so as to form a 30 degree angle.

    • 4

      Nail three of these together to form an equilateral triangle. Nail each plank so that it abuts against the other. Repeat this process with the remaining three planks.

    • 5

      Position two 90-inch long, 2-inch-by-3-inch wooden planks, parallel on the ground and 65-inches apart.

    • 6

      Place one of the two equilateral triangle frames vertically across each end of the two 90-inch long planks. Ask an assistant to hold the frame in place. Nail the triangle frame onto the two 90-inch planks.

    • 7

      Repeat with the second equilateral triangle frame. Place this second equilateral triangle frame vertically across the opposite ends of the two 90-inch long planks. Nail this second triangle frame onto the two 90-inch planks.

    • 8

      Position the third 90-inch plank against the left hand side of both triangles, at their apex. Request that the assistant holds this plank in place and nail it onto each of the two triangles.

    • 9

      Position the forth 90-inch plank against the right hand side of both triangles, at their apex. Request that the assistant holds this plank in place and nail it onto each of the two triangles.

    • 10

      Position the fifth 90-inch plank against the left hand side of both triangles, at their base. Request that the assistant holds this plank in place and nail it onto each of the two triangles.

    • 11

      Position the sixth 90-inch plank against the right hand side of both triangles, at their base. Request that the assistant holds this plank in place and nail it onto each of the two triangles.

    • 12

      Nail one of the 2-inch-by-3-inch wooden planks, 65-inches long, from the apex to the bottom on the left hand side of the structure, at the one end.

    • 13

      Nail a second 2-inch-by-3-inch wooden plank, 65-inches long, next to the first and then nail a third, forth, fifth and sixth.

    • 14

      Nail a 2-inch-by-3-inch wooden plank, 65-inches long, from the apex to the bottom on the right hand side of the structure, at the same end that the six pieces have been nailed to the left hand side.

    • 15

      Nail a second 2-inch-by-3-inch wooden plank, 65-inches long, next to the first and then nail a third, forth, fifth and sixth, on the right hand side. These wooden sides create the solid portion of the roof, to protect the budgies from sun and rain, as required.

    • 16

      Cut sufficient 16-gage wire from the roll, to cover the open section of the roof.

    • 17

      Drape the 16-gage wire over that section of the roof that does not have solid sides. Use the staple gun to attach the wire to the roof frame. Attach the wire securely to prevent budgies from escaping and predators, such as domestic cats and vermin from trying to enter.

    • 18

      Cut a piece of wire from the roll, the shape of a 65-inch-sided triangle. Position and secure this mesh with staples along one side of the open end of the roof. Repeat for the opposite open end of the roof.

    • 19

      Request the assistant to help you lift the roof onto the aviary. You may require a ladder, depending on the height of the aviary.

    • 20

      Nail the roof securely onto the aviary frame.