How to Make Wooden Toys for Lovebirds

One of the easiest ways to keep lovebirds happy is to have a supply of toys readily available to them. Since the fun for your pet includes chewing, biting and tearing apart these toys, making them yourself is not only a fun craft project, it's more economical than purchasing ready-made toys from your local pet store.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Drill
  • Saw
  • Cotton, leather and/or jute cord
  • Unpainted wooden blocks 1 inch to 2 inch square
  • Unpainted wooden beads 3/4 inch to 1 1/2 inch
  • Rawhide chews
  • 1-inch metal leash clips
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  1. Hanging Block Ladder

    • 1

      Cut a length of cord approximately 16 inches long. Tie one end of the cord to a metal clip for hanging. This will be the top of the toy.

    • 2

      Break a piece of rawhide into four 1- to 2-inch sections. Drill holes through the center of each rawhide section.

    • 3
      Any unpainted blocks will work well for your bird toys.

      Select wooden blocks and beads. Through the center of each, drill a hole large enough to fit the cord.

    • 4

      Thread the blocks, beads, and rawhide onto the cord, tying a knot in the cord after each addition. Alternate to make a pattern of your liking. Leave a 3-inch tail after the last knot.

    Treat Block

    • 5
      One square block of wood can make a great toy for your lovebird.

      Cut a block of pine, maple, or citrus wood into a square approximately 4 inches by 4 inches.

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      Drill 1-inch holes completely through the block from top to bottom, and side to side so there is an opening to the middle on each face.

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      Place small treats inside the block for your bird to discover and remove, such as nuts, fruit or paper shreds.

    Lovebird Swing

    • 8
      Bird swings are a relaxing treat for your feathered friends.

      Cut a piece of wood approximately 5 inches long for the perch of the swing. Drill vertical holes 1/2 inch from each end of the perch.

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      Cut a section of cord 16 inches long. Tie a knot in one end of the cord, leaving a 1-inch tail. Thread a wooden bead onto the cord. Tie a knot. Thread the cord through the left end of the perch and tie a knot. Add another bead.

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      Add a metal clip to the cord. Complete the right side of the swing by first threading a wooden bead to the cord. Lay the swing in front of you to choose where the knot under this bead will lay. Tie a knot in the cord. Thread the cord through the right side of the perch, and tie a knot. Add the final bead, and tie a knot.

    • 11

      Trim the remaining cord on the right to match the length of the cord on the left.