DIY: Styrofoam Incubator

Keeping bird eggs for hatching can sometimes be a difficult process, especially in the absence of a hen to keep the eggs warm as they develop. This eggs can be incubated, however, in a homemade incubator from a Styrofoam cooler. Making an incubator out of the Styrofoam cooler helps keeps the eggs warm allowing them develop and hatch. Transforming the cooler into an incubator is a simple process and involves utilizing a few pieces of equipment to create the correct environment for the eggs.
  1. Making an Incubator from a Styrofoam Cooler

    • Use a large Styrofoam cooler. Begin by placing a light socket on the lid of the cooler and tracing the socket with a pen. Using a sharp knife cut out the circle and place the light in the hole. Be sure to purchase a light socket that also comes with a cord, because it will be necessary to plug in the light to provide a heat source for the incubator.
      Next, take a piece of 8 inch by 10 inch glass from a picture frame and place it against one side of the incubator. Cut a hole that is just slightly smaller than the piece of glass and secure the glass to the cooler using carpenter̵7;s glue. This will give the incubator a viewing window to keep an eye on the incubating eggs without having to disturb them.
      On the side opposite the glass piece, poke several holes into the Styrofoam. This allows proper ventilation into the incubator and helps keeps the eggs healthy as they develop. Before placing eggs into the incubator it is important to take a few steps to ensure the birds are able to grow in their eggs and hatch. Placing a small fan into the cooler helps circulate the warm air from the light and helps even the temperature. Additionally, adding a bowl of water provides necessary humidity for the eggs. Finally, heat the incubator with a 15 to 25 watt bulb and monitor the temperature closely by placing a thermometer inside the Styrofoam cooler.
      The light keeps the interior warm, mimicking the feeling of a mother hen sitting on her eggs. Maintaining proper humidity and keeping the temperature even keeps the eggs̵7; development steady and helps improve their chances of developing into a hatched chick.