DIY Jungle Gym

Parrots are active birds that need a lot of room to move about and explore; much more room than a cage can offer. Jungle gyms (also known as play gyms) are a great way to give your pet bird some much needed play time. Parrot jungle gyms can even help reduce cage aggression, excessive screaming, or other problem behaviors by keeping birds busy and in close contact with their owners. You can save money by designing and building your own jungle gym. An easy and inexpensive way to build a jungle gym is by using PVC pipe.
  1. Basics of a PVC Pipe Jungle Gym

    • With a PVC pipe jungle gym, the PVC pipes are put together as a frame for the jungle gym. Then non-toxic tree branches are screwed on level areas of the frame to make perches. The PVC can also be wrapped with rope or other fabrics to make different textured perches.

    Designing Your Parrot's Jungle Gym

    • Draw out how you would like the play gym to look. Things to consider are the size (how tall and wide it should be) and where to hang the toys. Include measurements in the drawing for each length of piping that you have included in the frame.


    • Take a list of the supplies you need to your local hardware store. You will need enough PVC piping for the entire project so add all of the lengths together. Buy enough PVC elbows, one for each corner of the frame. You will also need to buy PVC cement to glue the pieces together and a PVC pipe cutter. For the perching you can buy rope and/or use non-toxic tree branches from your back yard. Screws will be needed to attach the branches to the PVC. The screw length will depend on how thick the branches are. Buy a little extra of each item just in case you need it. You will also need a drill if you don't already have one.

    Build the Jungle Gym

    • Start by putting together the PVC frame. Cut the pieces of pipe to the size you need glue them to the elbows (corners) as your design calls for. The PVC cement will have instructions on its use on the label. If you make a mistake in the process the pipe can easily be cut out and replaced, or you can chose to redesign your project as you work on it. Once the frame is ready you can place the tree branches on top of the frame and screw them down to make perches. If you are applying rope it can be tightly wrapped and tied at the ends.

    Final Touches

    • To add toys or food bowl hangers you can drill holes into the PVC at any spot you would like to hang toys or food and water bowls.