How to Buy Peacocks

As exotic animals become more common in the domestic US market, the peacock is also increasing in popularity. Peacocks can be a great choice for breeding as farm animals as well as domestic pets. While buying peacocks can in some ways be similar to buying other birds, there are some important differences.


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      Decide on a breed. There are many different breeds and mutations of peacock. The most common is the India blue peacock, which is the cheapest and easiest to care for. Breeders generally recommend this breed for first time buyers and those with limited experience. Other breeds such as the green species are less common and therefore most expensive.

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      Choose the age. You can buy peacocks at various stages. Eggs prior to hatching, peachicks or mature peafowl. A male is fully mature at 3 years but can mate at 2 years. Peachicks can fly within a couple of weeks and are born with feathers. Eggs need special incubation units. Consider all these factors before buying and prepare accordingly.

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      Find the market place. Once you have decided on the age and breed of the peafowl, you need to choose a method of buying. Online auctions are one option and may be cheaper but you run the risk of problems in transport. Peacock breeders will have many different varieties and you can visit first hand if there is a farm or zoo in your area (see Resources below).

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      Transport the birds. If you are moving them overland yourself then ensure you have decent sized cages and secure fastenings. If you are shipping live birds then plan ahead. Tell your local post office you are expecting a delivery and have water and food prepared as these cannot be shipped inside the containers.

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      Be ready. Have covered pens or good sheltered areas already prepared. Make sure you have the correct type of bird feed or pellets and greens for your type of peacock.