What do swamp-hens eat?

Swamp-hens, also known as moorhens, are omnivorous birds. This means they eat a variety of plant and animal matter. Here's a breakdown of their diet:

Plant matter:

* Aquatic plants: They love to munch on water lilies, reeds, and other aquatic plants.

* Seeds: They'll eat seeds from plants growing near the water, like grasses and sedges.

* Fruits: Berries and other fruits that fall into the water are a tasty treat.

* Algae: They graze on algae growing on rocks and other surfaces.

Animal matter:

* Insects: They'll catch and eat insects like water beetles, dragonfly nymphs, and caterpillars.

* Small fish: They're opportunistic hunters and will sometimes snag small fish.

* Snails and other invertebrates: They'll pick up snails, worms, and other small invertebrates.

* Tadpoles and small frogs: They'll eat these amphibians, especially young ones.

* Carrion: They're not picky eaters and will scavenge on dead animals.

Their diet can vary depending on the season and what's available in their environment.

Interestingly, they've been known to eat their own eggs! This is probably done to eliminate a food source when times are tough.