What food do chickens eat?

Chickens are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. Here's a breakdown of what they typically eat:


* Grains: Corn, wheat, oats, barley, rice - these are the staples of most chicken diets.

* Seeds: Sunflower seeds, millet, flaxseed.

* Vegetables: Lettuce, spinach, kale, carrots, sweet potatoes.

* Fruits: Apples, berries, melons.

* Greens: Grass, clover, alfalfa.


* Insects: Worms, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers.

* Small reptiles and amphibians: Lizards, frogs, snakes.

* Other small animals: Mice, rats, snails.

* Grit: Chickens need to ingest small pebbles and grit to help them grind their food in their gizzards.


* Chicken feed: This is a specially formulated mix of grains, protein sources, vitamins, and minerals.

* Scratch grains: These are a mixture of grains that chickens love to peck at and forage for.

Important Notes:

* Free-range chickens will have a more varied diet as they can forage for insects and plants.

* Chickens need access to fresh water to drink and bathe in.

* Never feed chickens spoiled or moldy food. This can make them sick.

You can always find more specific information about chicken diets based on the age of the chickens (baby chicks, laying hens, roosters), their breed, and their purpose (meat production, egg laying, etc.).