* Spiders: Many spiders build intricate webs of sticky silk to trap insects.
* Cnidarians (Jellyfish, Corals, Anemones): These animals have stinging cells called nematocysts on their tentacles, which they use to capture prey.
* Net-casting Spiders: These spiders have evolved a unique hunting technique where they fling a silken net over their prey.
* Some Fish: Some fish, like the anglerfish, have evolved specialized appendages that resemble fishing lures, attracting prey.
* Venus Flytrap: This carnivorous plant has modified leaves that snap shut like a trap, catching insects.
* Sundews: These plants have sticky hairs on their leaves that trap insects.
* Pitcher Plants: These plants have a pitcher-shaped structure filled with digestive fluid that attracts and traps insects.
* Some Bacteria: Certain bacteria use a net-like structure to trap and consume food particles.
Do you have a specific type of creature in mind, or are you just curious about the diverse ways that creatures catch their food?