What mammals do owls eat?

Owls are carnivorous birds of prey, meaning they primarily eat meat. The specific mammals they eat vary depending on the owl species, their size, and the local availability of prey. Here's a breakdown:

Common Mammal Prey:

* Rodents: Mice, voles, rats, squirrels, and other small rodents are a staple diet for many owl species.

* Shrews: These tiny mammals are also readily consumed.

* Rabbits and Hares: Larger owls like the Great Horned Owl can hunt these larger prey.

* Bats: Some owls, like the Barn Owl, are specialized bat hunters.

* Small Carnivores: Owls may occasionally prey on weasels, stoats, and other small carnivores.

* Insects: While not strictly mammals, some owls, particularly smaller species, will consume insects.

Less Common Mammal Prey:

* Larger Mammals: Larger owls like the Great Horned Owl, Eagle Owl, and Eurasian Eagle Owl are known to take down prey like young deer, rabbits, and even small dogs and cats in some cases.

* Domesticated Animals: Sadly, owls can sometimes prey on farm animals like chickens and lambs, especially if they are introduced to these environments by humans.

Important Note: Owls are essential to maintaining healthy ecosystems. Their diet helps control rodent populations, which can reduce damage to crops and spread of diseases.