Here's why:
* Digestive System: Rabbits have a very fast digestive system and need to eat regularly to keep their gut healthy. Eating twice a day helps to ensure that their digestive system is always working properly.
* Energy Needs: Rabbits are active animals, and they need a regular supply of food to provide them with the energy they need to play, hop, and explore.
* Avoid Overfeeding: Feeding twice a day helps to avoid overfeeding, which can lead to health problems like obesity and dental issues.
* Habit Formation: Feeding your rabbit at the same times each day establishes a routine and helps them learn to expect their meals.
While dawn and dusk are times when rabbits are naturally active in the wild, this doesn't necessarily translate to domestic rabbits. Their activity levels are more dependent on their individual personality and the environment they live in.
Important Note: It's crucial to provide your rabbit with unlimited access to fresh hay, as this should make up the majority of their diet. The twice-daily feedings should consist of a small amount of fresh vegetables and a portion of rabbit pellets.