How to Attract White Sparrows

The white sparrow is a common bird that lives in Canada and migrates to the eastern and southern parts of North America in the winter. It is a large sparrow with a black striped tufted head. The white sparrow searches for its food near the ground. It eats bugs, berries, barley and corn. In the spring, they eat fresh buds that grow low on bushes. They usually visit bird feeders either early or late in the day. You can attract white sparrows to your area by putting millet, sunflower seeds and cracked corn in a feeder.

Things You'll Need

  • Tray or plate
  • Bird food mix of sunflower seeds, millet and corn
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      Place a mixture of sunflower seeds, millet and dried corn in a tray, or old plate that you no longer need, to be used as a feeder for birds. Place the bird seed plate outside on the ground in an area away from the house. Put it near some ground cover such as shrubs, and sprinkle some seeds on the ground. Place it in an area where you can see the birds because much of the fun of feeding birds is watching them.

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      Keep an eye on the bird feeder and replace the seeds when they run low. Sparrows will return to the same area every year. Once you start feeding winter birds, you should continue to feed them, because they will come back and will rely on the bird seed that is left for them as a source of food.

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      Keep brush piles around the yard for the winter sparrows to hide in.

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      Plant a variety of shrubs in your yard to provide cover in the winter and food in the spring. White sparrows are attracted to ragweed, bristlegrass, crabgrass and knotweeds, so if you have an area of wild grasses in your yard, they will have something to eat.