How to Feed Cornish Cross Chickens

Cornish Cross chickens grow rapidly and produce a desirable meat product at 6 to 9 weeks of age. The market weight for the meat birds is 4 to 10 lbs. If processed at four weeks and 2 lbs., they are called Cornish game hens. The breed results from a cross between Cornish and White Plymouth Rock chickens. Cornish cross chickens require careful management. With their very fast growth rate and sedentary life style, they are prone to heart attacks and weak legs.

Things You'll Need

  • Meat bird starter feed
  • Meat bird finisher feed
  • Feed troughs
  • Chicken waterers
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    • 1

      Purchase a balanced, commercially prepared meat bird starter for the newly hatched Cornish cross chicks. Meat bird starter is specifically formulated for the fast growing chicks. Feed the meat bird starter mash in low, open feeders for the first 10 days. Switch to hanging tube or trough feeders, as the chicks grow larger. Provide 2 to 3 inches of feeder space per bird.

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      Feed a commercially prepared meat bird finisher to the Cornish cross chicks when they reach 3 weeks of age. Meat bird finisher is a suitable feed for the chickens until they reach market age and size. Finisher is often available in mash or crumbles.

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      Purchase a 20 percent protein chick starter if meat bird starter and finisher are not available. A 20 percent protein chick starter provides adequate nutrition for meat birds from hatching to market.

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      Place older Cornish cross chicks on pasture, if available. Portable houses moved regularly to fresh pasture allow the chicks to feed on green vegetation in addition to meat bird finisher. However, Cornish cross birds may have difficulty walking under these conditions and may be difficult to move.

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      Mix a protein/vitamin/mineral concentrate with cereal grains to reduce costs. Sometimes it is less expensive to purchase ground or cracked corn to mix with a commercially prepared concentrate. Prepare a ration with 24 percent protein for chicks 0 to 2 weeks of age. A ration with 22 percent protein is suitable for 2 to 5 week old birds. Birds older than 5 weeks require a diet with about 19% protein.

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      Buy 2 lbs. of meat bird starter for each chick. Purchase approximately 7 lbs. of meat bird finisher for each bird. If the feed is medicated, read the label to determine the withdrawal period. Some feeds must be discontinued several days before the birds are marketed.

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      Provide fresh, clean water at all times. Use small chick waterers or fountains for newly hatched chicks to prevent drowning. Increase the size of the waterers as the chicks grow. Provide 2 to 3 inches of water space per bird.