How to Hand Feed an Adult Parakeet

Parakeets have distinctive and mischievous personalities. Their strong bonding to their human owners contributes to the ever increasing popularity of the birds as pets. Since they can live up to 20 years, they become a part of the family. Adult parakeets need quality pelleted food rich in protein and calcium to sustain a long life. Parakeets can feed on their own, but pet lovers will often gain a lot of satisfaction from hand-feeding the bird.

Things You'll Need

  • Adult parakeet feed
  • Fresh green-colored vegetables
  • Fresh orange-colored vegetables
  • Cooked beans
  • Cooked pasta
  • Knife
  • Methylated spirit
  • Paper towel
  • Thermometer
  • Distilled water
  • Small glass cup
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      Purchase adult parakeet feed. These can be either commercial or homemade. Commercial parakeet feeds are nutritionally balanced to keep the parakeets healthy for long. Parakeets can also feed on homemade feed such as fresh green and orange vegetables and fruits, cooked beans and cooked pasta. If homemade food is given to a parakeet, dice the food, using the knife, so it's similar in size to bird seeds.

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      Disinfect your hands and all parakeet-feeding utensils using the diluted methylated spirit. Thoroughly wash your hands and the feeding utensils and rinse with clean water. Place utensils on a paper towel to dry.

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      Boil one cup of distilled water for 20 minutes. Use the thermometer to make sure the water temperature is around 106 F.

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      Mix ½ cup of adult parakeet food with the 2 tbsp. of warm distilled water. Follow the manufacturer's directions as indicated on the packaging.

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      Put the mixed parakeet food in the small glass cup. Feed the parakeet 1/2 cup at a time.

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      Hold the glass cup with parakeet food in your hand and wait for it to respond. The parakeet will then peck off the food until it is gone. Do not feed the parakeet more than 2 cups of food at one feeding.

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      Clean your hands and utensils in preparation for the next hand-feeding session. Remember to give the parakeet some drinking water.

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      After 5 to 7 days, the parakeet will get used to eating from your hand. Place the food directly into your hand to feed your parakeet.