How to Hang a Fruit Spear

Fruit spears are decorative garden items. When hung from a tree or porch the scent of the fruit is spread through the air and will attract fruit loving birds like Oriels, Mocking birds, and Scarlet Tangiers. When the birds are nibbling at the fruit it will cause the fruit spear to move and sway back and forth. If it is not properly hung it can fall on the ground and possibly damage the spear or hurt the birds.

Things You'll Need

  • Fruit spear
  • Eye hook
  • Rope
  • Bandana or sock
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    • 1

      Inspect the specific fruit spear. In most cases the spear comes with a long metal pole with a curve on the end. Place the curve on the pole over a lower branch on a tree. Or through an eye hook on the side of a porch. Do not attach an eye hook to a tree; this will damage the tree. If the long pole is not included with fruit spear continue to step two.

    • 2

      Insert a piece of rope through an opening on the fruit spear. The opening should be as close to the top of the spear, and in the center if possible. Tie a double knot in the end of the rope to attach it to the fruit spear.

    • 3

      Locate a branch on the tree that is not damaged in any way. The branch should be thicker than one inch to provide enough support for the weight of the fruit, the spear, and any birds that may rest or pull on them.

    • 4

      Extend the rope from the branch, allow the fruit spear to hang freely. Wrap the rope around the branch, and loosely tie a double knot in the rope to hold it in place.

    • 5

      Lift the rope away from the branch and place a sock or bandana under it. Spread the bandana out evenly under the rope. This will protect the bark of the tree, and prevent the rope from removing and damaging the bark.