How to Get Your Baby Umbrella Cockatoo to Eat

Cockatoos have high energy, friendly demeanors and hearty appetites; they make excellent pets. Pet baby cockatoos learn to eat solid foods by watching their human companions and older birds eat. According to Doctors Fosters and Smith, it's important to start feeding your bird fresh new foods early so that your cockatoo will become accustomed to eating new things. Feeding your cockatoo a healthy balanced diet will ensure your cockatoo has a long and happy life.

Things You'll Need

  • Bird pellet
  • Parrot seed mix
  • Fruits, vegetables, and pastas
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      Serve your cockatoo a mixture of large bird pellet, parrot seed, and fresh human foods daily.

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      Place the bird pellet and seed mixture in a stainless steel container, and place inside your baby cockatoo's cage. The amount of food will depend on your bird's age. Consult with your veterinarian for the appropriate amount of food.

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      Fill a separate container filled with fresh human foods such as fruit, pasta or vegetables, and place in the cage. Leave the container in the cage no more than two hours, or the food will spoil. Raw uncooked vegetables can be placed in the cage longer, but do not leave the food over night.

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      Hand-feed your baby cockatoo when it is out of the cage. For example, at dinner time, allow the baby to be at the dinner table with you. This will encourage your bird to try new foods.