How to String Up Fresh Cranberries for Birds

Feeding pet birds the proper diet is important to their health and well-being. Birds that do not eat a diet that meets their specific nutritional needs will have less-vibrant feathers, tend to become biters, and be prone to plucking and mutilating. If you feed your bird well, it will be friendlier, willing to try new foods, and less noisy. Its feathers will appear brighter, and it will require less medical attention throughout its life, according to pet information website Doctors Foster and Smith. Many birds enjoy eating nutritious cranberries strung on twine, hanging in their cage or aviary.

Things You'll Need

  • Stainless steel bird skewer or thin, sturdy bird-safe twine
  • Thick needle or wooden pointed dowel
  • Organic cranberries
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      Wash the cranberries thoroughly then towel dry them.

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      Tie a knot at one end of the twine, leaving enough free space to tie it onto the birdcage bars later. If you're using a bird skewer, unscrew the bolt at the end of the skewer where you pierce food onto it.

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      Pierce a cranberry through its center with a needle or wooden dowel then slide it onto the twine or bird skewer. Push the berry along to the end of the twine, toward the knot, or to the end of the skewer. Repeat until you have added the desired number of cranberries.

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      Tie a knot on the other end of the twine, leaving enough space to tie it onto the cage bars, or re-attach the bolt on the end of the bird skewer.

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      Hang the string of cranberries in the birdcage, near the food dish, using both ends of the string, or attach the bird skewer to the birdcage bars. Leave the cranberries in the cage for several hours, or until it's time to put your bird to bed.