Raw Nuts
Raw nuts are best for parrots. Any creature that expends energy needs a source of calorie intake. Raw nuts are a great source of energy. In addition to providing energy, the fat content in nuts helps carry vitamins A, D, E and K to distribute throughout the digestive system. Fats help the body absorb vitamin D and make calcium available, and it helps convert carotene to vitamin A, which is extremely important to a parrot.
Limit Nut Intake
Wild parrots use large amounts of energy for flight. Nuts can contribute to obesity in captive and inactive parrots. Nuts are a high-calorie, high-energy food source. Parrots in the wild need this source to sustain the exercise necessary to stay alive. A captive parrot does not get as much exercise as a wild parrot, and cannot burn high amounts of calories. Unused calories build up as fat in the body and contribute to obesity. Do not eliminate nuts from a parrot's diet, but provide nuts in a limited quantity
Salted Nuts
Salted nuts are not healthy for a parrot. Salt is dangerous for parrots. It is very limited in the natural foods eaten by wild parrots. Excessive salt raises blood pressure and causes heart problems in all creatures. It does not take much salt to increase the blood pressure and heart rate of a parrot. To keep a parrot healthy, stay away from salted nuts and any other food items containing salt. Unsalted and raw nuts are best for a good parrot diet.
Nuts as Entertainment
Nuts in their shells provide entertainment for a parrot. Breaking nutshells is natural to a parrot. After all, wild parrots do not have access to shelled nuts. Nuts in a shell also provide wonderful entertainment for parrots. They enjoy the challenge of trying to break the shell to access the seed. In addition, breaking nutshells helps the parrot maintain a healthy bill. The method of breaking shells keeps the beak trim and strong. Some parrots enjoy pushing, flipping and rolling shelled nuts around the cage.
Parrots That Eat Nuts
There are more than 300 types of parrots worldwide, and nuts and seeds are part of the natural diet for all of them. Parrot diets also include vegetation, fruits, vegetables, grains and even insects. Nuts and seeds appear to be the food of choice, though nuts can cause health problems for captive parrots. Limit nuts to a small amount per day; stay away from salted foods; and provide fruits, vegetables and rice to round out a healthy parrot diet.