Parrot Sprout Diets

In the wild, parrots thrive on a blend of different foods such as nuts, seeds, leaves, bark, fruits, grains and insects. You should provide your household parrot with the same wholesome nourishment that its wild counterpart eats. Feeding your parrot sprouts will ensure that it benefits from a nutrient-dense and inexpensive super food. A diet comprising of different sprouted foods will provide the vital nutrients required to maintain your parrot's health and well being.
  1. Types of Sprouts

    • There are a variety of seeds, grains and legumes which can be consumed in sprout form. Sprouts are available in supermarkets as ready-to-serve individual sprout foods. These include sprouts such as beans, alfalfa, amaranth, barley, buckwheat, millet, wheat, fenugreek, mustard, field corn, sunflower, almond, sesame, cabbage and kale. Sprouts are also sold as a blend that can be comprised of radish, clover, peas and other sprouts.

    Sprouting at Home

    • Sprout your parrot's food at home to ensure that it derives the maximum benefit from sprouting. Store-bought sprouts have a shelf life and may not always be fresh. Additionally, these sprouts are treated with pesticides including mold inhibitors, which are detrimental to the bird's health. Sprouting at home can be easily accomplished by purchasing organically grown seeds, grains and legumes. Soak the seeds in clean water overnight and rinse in the morning. Spread the seeds in a wide colander, glass jar or tray and place in a dry, shaded and ventilated area. Sprinkle water over the seeds several times a day for a period of three days, until they sprout. Once inch-long sprouts appear on the seeds, they are ready to be fed to your parrot.

    Feeding Sprouts

    • While you can offer sprouts to your parrot directly, you can also mix them with any fresh vegetables and fruits that are in season, such as broccoli, peppers, peas, celery, carrots, green beans, cucumber and corn. If you are feeding ready-to-serve sprouts, rinse them in a citrus-based antibacterial solution prior to offering them to the parrot.

    Health Benefits

    • Sprouts are nutrient-rich and contain easily digestible protein and vitamins including vitamin A, B, C, D and E. This super food is a natural source of antioxidants, enzymes, essential fatty acids and minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and chromium, all of which fortify the parrot's immune system and defend it against toxic build-up.