Drip Type Bird Watering Stations

Birds need fresh, clean drinking water to be healthy. The drinking water must not have harmful chemicals and must contain minimal bacteria. Bird farmers also want to minimize water waste, thus reducing the costs of raising the birds. Manufacturers have developed a lot of tools that help farmers more easily provide water to their birds.
  1. Nipple Drinker

    • Nipple drinkers drip water downward so that little birds can sip out of the nipples. Some of the water drops from the bird's mouths and lands in a tray, where birds can sip water, thus eliminating water waste. However, birds can defecate and drop food in the trays, which can create an environment for bacterial growth. So owners must frequently clean the trays. However, the trays also keep excessive moisture from getting into the litter, which minimizes the maintenance needed. Some drinking systems do not have drip trays but release such a small quantity of water that the waste is minimal. The nipple drinker is one of the most reliable and sanitary ways to deliver water to the birds. This system has very good pressure control so that the system can gauge how much water it releases. The rinsing system helps keep the water clean. Water-level indicators let the owner know if the drinking system has suitable water for the birds. Water travels through these systems in standard pipes that have valves. The nipple tube has stainless nipples that resist corrosion.

    Water Connection Unit

    • The water connection unit draws the water from the main water supply to the drinking system. The pressure regulator in the connector determines how fast the water flows. Pressure reducers help minimize the water pressure so that the water does not damage the system. Owners can install an optional filter that further increases the purity of the water.

    Water Bottle Systems

    • Many bird owners use water bottle systems that have balls that the birds must push into a tube to allow the water to come out. These systems frequently cause sanitation problems, since the water bottle can serve as a place for bacteria growth if not cleaned out and sanitized frequently.

    Drip Bird Bath

    • Some property owners create bird watering stations for wild birds, allowing them to attract these birds into the backyard or garden. The sound of dripping water attracts more birds than other kinds of bird baths. Property owners can create their own drip systems for the bird bath by putting a hole in the bottom of a can or jug and hanging the container from a tree branch over the bird bath.