How to Feed Grits to Your Baby Chicks

Grits are small stones that chicks store inside their gizzards to aid in chewing their chick feed. Grits are important if the chicks are being fed food that contains grains and other hard-to-chew foods. Grits can be gravel used for parakeets, or chick owners can purchase a special chick grit to add to their feed. Grits should be fed to chicks regularly until they are moved outdoors, where they can then find their own stones to use as grits.


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      Purchase a grit for the baby chicks. This grit should be chick grits purchased from a feed store, or parakeet gravel can be used.

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      Pour a commercial chick feed into the chick feeding dish. Commercial chick feed is available online and in most feed stores.

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      Sprinkle the chick grit over the food as if you were salting it. Avoid using too much at once because the chicks will fill up on it and not eat the feed.

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      Add grits to the chick feed every three days.