What Is Protein?
All animals require protein for organ and muscle repair, but birds also need protein to maintain their beaks, claws and feathers. The building blocks of protein are called amino acids, which are classified into 2 types: nonessential, meaning that the body can produce them, and essential, meaning they must be obtained through the diet. For parrots, 10 amino acids are essential: arginine, lysine, methionine, histidine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, valine and phenylalanine. Many sources of dietary protein are considered incomplete because they don't contain all 10 of the essential amino acids. You can manage this deficiency by offering a variety of high-protein foods that have complementary amino acid profiles.
Dairy and Poultry Products
Dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, are good protein sources in moderation. According to avian behaviorist Pamela Clark, nonfat or low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt, hard cheese and cottage cheese, are good protein sources for parrots. Provide these in moderation, however, because parrots cannot tolerate high levels of lactose in their diet.
Poultry products, as with any animal-based protein, are considered complete protein sources and usually contain the highest amount of essential amino acids. Hard-boiled eggs and fully cooked chicken are excellent sources of protein and are typically well received by parrots.
Beans and Legumes
Beans are a good protein source for parrots. Supplementing the diet with various types of beans and legumes is also a good practice. Although most of these foods aren't complete protein sources, combining them with seed- or pellet-based diets helps to fulfill the protein requirements of a parrot. Examples of these protein-rich foods that parrots can enjoy include tofu, bean shoots, lentils, nuts and beans, such as soy, pinto, white, navy, kidney and garbanzo.
Sources of Protein for Parrots
Captive birds should not eat a strictly seed-based diet, because seeds are very high in fat and low in protein and vitamins. Not supplementing a seed-based diet can easily lead to nutrient deficiency and a wide range of diseases. A proper understanding of both nutrient requirements and sources is critical to maintain the health of pet birds such as parrots.