Things You'll Need
- Large box
- Heat lamp
- Straw or shredded newspaper
- Chick feeder
- Chick feed with 23 percent protein
- Chick waterer
- Chicken coop
- Chicken feeders
- Broiler feed or growing mash with 20 percent protein
- Chicken waterer
Have your brooder ready when the chicks arrive. A simple brooder can be made using a large cardboard box with a clamp-on heat lamp attached to one side. Line the bottom of the box with straw or shredded newspaper. You may have to change to larger boxes as the chicks grow.
Fill a chick waterer with water and dip each chick's beat into the water once they are in the box.
Fill a chick feeder with 23 percent chick feed. Dip the chick's beaks in the food. For faster growth use a higher protein turkey or game bird starter feed.
Move the chickens to an enclosed chicken coop after they have fully feathered.
Fill enough chicken waterers with water that the chickens can all drink at the same time. Change the water at least once daily.
Fill enough chicken feeders with a 20 percent protein broiler feed or growing mash for all of the chickens. Keep food available to the chickens at all times.
Visit the broilers several times a day in the chicken coop. Broilers like activity and will eat more if they are up and moving, which means they will gain weight faster than birds that are inactive.