Types of Bird Seeds

Many types of birdseed are available for your backyard feeders. Choose birdseed based on the type of bird you'd like to attract. Birdseed is available in bags with just one type of seed, or in mixes with a variety of seeds. Become familiar with the seeds to prevent discards that might attract unwanted animals.
  1. Sunflower Seed

    • There are different types of sunflower seeds, the most popular of which is the small black sunflower variety. This seed is high in fat and offers a shell that is thin and simple for birds to split. Many types of birds love the black sunflower seed, including cardinals, nuthatches, chickadees, jays, house finches, grosbeaks, goldfinches and titmice. A larger type of seed comes from the striped sunflower plant. This variety has less fat than the black sunflower seed, and the shell is harder to crack. This seed attracts the same birds, but it's not as well liked. Hulled sunflower seed in the form of the complete seed or chips are also available. More birds are attracted to it because there's no hull to crack open. In addition to the birds previously mentioned, wrens, mockingbirds and woodpeckers flock to this form of seed.

    Safflower Seed

    • This seed has a white coating on the shell and is not as popular as the black sunflower seed. People use them to discourage visits from house sparrows, grackles and starlings. The same birds that eat black sunflower seeds eat safflower seeds but not as enthusiastically; however, the cardinal will readily consume safflower seeds.

    Millet Seed

    • This is a little round seed and comes in many varieties, the most popular of which is the light-colored proso millet. The golden and red varieties don't fare as well. Many mixes combine millet with more favorable seeds. Birds that like millet include quail, doves, cardinals, sparrows, bobwhites, buntings and juncos.

    Thistle Seed

    • A tiny black seed often called Nyjer seed, thistle is imported from India and Ethiopia. This seed is a favorite of goldfinches. Additionally, pine siskins, house finches, redpolls and purple finches enjoy thistle.

    Cracked Corn

    • Many seed mixes contain small pieces of dried corn kernels—which is also available as a single ingredient in bags. Many ground feeders like cracked corn, including blackbirds, sparrows, grackles, pheasants, doves, quails and jays.


    • Whole peanuts or peanut hearts normally come in mixes. The birds that like hulled sunflower seeds also like nuts. This group of birds includes grosbeaks, cardinals, chickadees, jays, goldfinches, nuthatches, house finches and titmice.


    • Premium mixes and cheap mixes are available. Mixes attract several different types of birds. Premium mixes consist of striped sunflower, peanut, black sunflower, millet and other seeds. Cheap mixes consist of cracked corn, red and white milo, striped sunflower, wheat and other seeds. Many of the cheaper seeds attract unwanted birds and force the desirable birds away.