Bird feeders provide food even in the worst conditions. Winters can be devastating to birds if the weather is extra cold or icy. Foraging for food in heavy snow and ice can be next to impossible. With the help of bird feeders, many birds survive when they otherwise would not. During fall migration, birds are often on extremely long flights. During these times, they need the extra strength to continue their journey. Bird feeders help to keep them fed as they go on their way. During the spring, they migrate back to set up nests, lay their eggs and hatch their young. Often times the weather does not cooperate with their migratory impulse, which can make it difficult for them to find the food they need to start their families. A wild bird feeder could be the extra help they need to overcome all the odds against them.
Observing Nature
We live in a bustling society and it gets faster all the time. The stress of everyday life surrounds us. However, with the help of nature, we find solace and splendor in watching the beautiful birds feeding at the backyard feeder that we established for them. The benefit for us far surpasses the cost of bird food and the time it takes to keep the feeders clean.
Taking care of the environment and teaching our children to do the same is one of the greatest benefits of feeding birds. What better way to teach our children the delicate balance of nature. Teaching them how to protect and care for wildlife around us instills preservation. Removing trees and other plants to build homes, towns and other development destroy the natural habitat and food sources for many birds. Children can learn conservation by helping to build or set up bird feeders. They will learn not only the joy of watching the different types of birds, but they will gain an appreciation for the natural beauty that surrounds us. Learning the different species of birds, how to recognize their colors, markings and calls, increases children's knowledge along with the desire to learn more.
Photographers can capture the beauty of a hummingbird. An increasing number of people are stepping into the world of photography. With the technologies of the digital camera, many are finding a rebirth in taking pictures of all types of things including birds. Amateurs as well as professional photographers have the opportunity of capturing great shots when birds arrive at the feeders.
What are the Benefits of Bird Feeders?
Feeding birds is an enjoyable hobby throughout the world. Many benefits derive from feeding birds, including helping out Mother Nature and relieving stress in our own lives. Bird feeders can give birds the extra strength they need during cold winter months and during migration. Some people enjoy feeding birds year round while others feed only during the winter.