What Do You Feed a Mother Bird After Her Eggs Hatch?

For a mother bird to provide proper nutrition for her young, she needs to be on a healthy diet after they hatch. However, for the highest quality young, the mother bird should to be on a healthy diet before she even lays her first egg.
  1. Pelleted Food

    • Avian veterinarians recommend pellet food for most parrots and pet birds because it is formulated to simulate the various vitamins and minerals that birds consume in the wild. Pellets should be dye-free and organic.

    Fresh Foods

    • Pet hookbilled birds do best when they are given fresh vegetables and grains. Fruits can also be given in moderation. Never give onions, avocados or fruit seeds to a companion bird, as they can be toxic. Other fresh foods to consider are hard-boiled eggs and chicken for protein. All fresh foods should be organic; even small amounts of pesticides and other chemicals can harm a baby bird.

    Vitamin Supplements

    • Calcium supplements, like cuddlebone or egg shell, are a good idea for most pet birds, especially those that are breeding.

    Egg Food

    • There are prepackaged mixes on the market, usually called egg food, that are targeted to breeding birds. These mixes are high in protein and fat, and should only be given to a confirmed breeding pair of birds during their breeding time. Regular feeding of egg food can lead to obesity.


    • Always consult an avian veterinarian for breed-specific advice and bird-specific recommendations.