Hummingbird Feeders & Powdered Sugar

Hummingbirds make a beautiful addition to your flower garden. According to experts at the Hummingbird Society, sugar is an excellent way to attract them because sugar is an essential part of their diet. But what about powdered sugar?
  1. Composition

    • According to the Oxford English Dictionary, powdered sugar contains cornstarch.


    • Cornstarch found in powdered sugar is harmful to hummingbirds, as is brown sugar, artificial sweeteners and honey.

    Expert Insight

    • Hummingbirds get all the nutrients they need to sustain themselves from flower nectar. Feeders are simply a way for humans to observe the birds up close.


    • Sugar and water ferment, allowing the growth of mold, so a sugar-water mixture used to feed hummingbirds should be changed every three to four days.

    Fun Fact

    • According to, there are 343 species of hummingbird, making them the second-largest family of birds.


    • While it is proven that powdered sugar is dangerous to hummingbirds, no conclusive research has been conducted on the matter.