How to Keep Bird Food Sunflower Seeds From Sprouting

Sunflower seeds falling from bird feeders and sprouting in the ground below pose a problem for gardeners who do not want a batch of sunflowers in their yard. Ideally, you should keep as much of the bird food in the feeder as possible so it does not fall to the ground. You also can sterilize the seeds to keep them from germinating and sprouting if they fall from the feeder.

Things You'll Need

  • Baking pan
  • Paper bag
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      Pick up fallen bird seed from the ground beneath the feeder often. This can prevent the seed-to-ground contact that results in sprouting.

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      Fill the feeder with only as much seed is consumed by the birds each day. Extra feed can get knocked out of the feeder to the ground, where it can sprout.

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      Sterilize the seeds in the oven. Spread them out onto a baking pan in a single layer. Bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.

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      Sterilize the seeds in the microwave. Pour the seeds into a paper bag and fold the top of the bag down loosely. Microwave on high power for five minutes. Oil from the seeds prevents the bag from burning.