How to Get Birds to Use Bird Feeders

Hanging a bird feeder allows you the chance to enjoy the beauty of birds up close and personal while also providing them with a bit of food that might be hard to find, especially during the winter months. You won't be able to do any bird-watching, however, if the birds do not use your feeder. Take some steps to ensure that the birds will be attracted to and will use your bird feeder, and enjoy the display as the birds happily partake of your efforts.

Things You'll Need

  • Bird feeder
  • Bird seed
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    • 1

      Use a bird feeder that is the right kind for the birds in your yard. Most birds need to perch on something as they feed, so if you are hanging a tube bird feeder, make sure it has plenty of perches. If you are hanging a bird feeder that is composed of a large tray, make sure it has enough support so that it won't tip to one side and spill all of the seeds if a bird perches on it.

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      Check the bird feeder to make sure it isn't clogged. Some bird feeders have only tiny holes as access for the seeds, which can become clogged, blocking the birds from getting any of the seeds. Also check to make sure ants or other bugs are not infesting it.

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      Hang your bird feeder in the right location. If you hang it too close to a window, the birds might be scared off by the motions of people inside the house. You should also not hang a bird feeder near any known squirrel homes, as squirrels will try to eat the seeds and scare off the birds. Hang a bird feeder from a tree where birds are known to congregate for best results.

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      Choose the correct food for the birds you are feeding. For example, sunflower seeds of different types attract many species of birds. Cracked corn is also popular, but does not do well in most bird feeders as it attracts ground-feeding birds such as doves and sparrows.