Homemade Birdbath

Birds need a fresh supply of water. By installing a birdbath, you can attract birds into your yard. You can make a birdbath out of anything that will hold water. You can place your bath directly on the ground, but ground baths attract other animals, including predators. For a safer bath, you can suspend the bath or place them off the ground.
  1. Clay Pots

    • A clay pot can make an excellent bird bath. Use a clay pot that has a tray with it. Turn the pot upside down and place the tray on the bottom of the pot. Fill the tray with 1 to 2 inches of water. If your bath is deeper than 2 inches, the birds will probably be afraid of it and will avoid it. Trays usually do not allow for more than an inch or two of water. You can paint your clay pot if you wish to decorate it. You can also use a clear coat of paint on the inside of the tray so that water will not absorb into the clay.

    Pie Plates

    • Pie plates and cake pans make excellent bird baths. Suspend these by using a hanging basket holder. You can also place the pans on planters or pedestals. Add rocks to the bottom to prevent them from tipping over. Change the water every few days to ensure birds always have clean, fresh bathwater. Any object that can provide a small amount of water will attract birds seeking relief.

    Garbage Can Lids

    • Garbage can lids are usually large enough that they can provide space for several birds at a time. Place the lid on the ground. You can also dig out a space before you place it, so it will be flush with the ground. Birds love the sound of water running. Use a sprinkler and set the mist to a low, very fine spray that drips into the lid. The running water will attract the birds. They will get in a habit of coming to your bath and will even come when the water is no longer running.