How to Feed Chickens Rice

Chickens, laying hens in particular, need about 80 percent of their diet to be carbohydrates. The carbohydrates provide the chickens with needed energy. A mixture of grains such as wheat, corn, oats, barley and rice usually works well as part of their diet. Chickens also need protein and calcium to make their diets balanced (not to mention rocks and/or grit).

Things You'll Need

  • Chicken feed
  • Water
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      Purchase a balanced mash, crumble or pellets for the chickens at your local feed store. Chickens need a balanced diet to grow and maintain health. Place the feed in chicken feeders, and not on the bare ground, so it isn't wasted.
      If you're experienced with raising chickens, you can mix together your own healthy, proportioned chicken feed (see Resources).

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      Feed the chickens the balanced feed according to the instructions on the bag. The chickens' age and types (young hen, mature layer, rooster) will determine how much feed they need every day.

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      Buy cheap rice, either white or brown, or use up rice you have that is infested with grain pests. Chickens love to eat bugs. Eating the grain pests won't hurt them.

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      Toss any pest-infested rice you have on the ground for the chickens to eat. Put down no more than about 1/2 cup per chicken a day. Otherwise, if you toss a lot of rice down at once, it will be wasted. Store the remainder of the rice in a sealed container outside of your house.

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      Feed chickens rice by adding some to their feeders now and then. Pour a real thin layer of the grain into their feeders to help add needed carbohydrates to their diets.