How to Make Seeds for Parakeets

Also known as budgerigars or budgies, parakeets are small, sociable birds. In the wild, they eat a variety of seeds, using their beaks to dehusk edible seeds. Wild parakeets have access to a varied diet of seeds, flowers, fruits, leaves and insects, and pet parakeets need a similar variety. Complement your parakeet̵7;s seed mix with green and orange fruits and vegetables, a bit of scrambled egg and a small bit of low-fat cheese.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Millet
  • Unsalted sunflower seeds
  • Canary seeds
  • Oat groats
  • Hemp
  • Airtight container
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    • 1

      Add two parts millet to your bowl. Millet is a high-carbohydrate seed that is low in fat, making it suitable for small birds.

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      Add 1/2 part unsalted sunflower seeds. These seeds are high in fat, so use them sparingly. Most parakeets, however, love the taste.

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      Add one part canary seeds. Like millet, canary seeds are high in carbohydrates.

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      Add one part oats groats. Oat groats have been processed to remove the hull, making it easier for your parakeet to access the nutritious inside.

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      Add one part hemp. Many commercial parakeet seed mixes contain this nutritious seed.

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      Mix the contents together and store the seed mix in an airtight container.