Feeding of an Alexandrine Parakeet

Alexandrine parakeets are friendly, talkative birds that hail from India and other parts of South Asia. They can be fed like any other parakeet, but they must be served a varied and balanced diet to remain healthy and live a long life.
  1. Feeding Process

    • Alexandrine parakeets can be fed by putting three bowls in their cages, one for fresh foods, one for bird seed and one for water. Regularly refresh these dishes to make sure the food doesn̵7;t spoil. You should also provide your parakeet with crushed shells, calcium blocks and clear sand to provide essential minerals and give the parakeet something to chew on.

    Fresh Foods

    • Alexandrines require a steady supply of fresh fruits and vegetables every day to stay healthy. Apples, oranges, leafy vegetables, grass, grapes, plums and spinach are all great foods. Alexandrines also love to chew, so carrots, corn on the cob and peanuts are favorites. Mix up the foods you serve your parakeet every day to ensure maximum nutrition.


    • The basis of an Alexandrine parakeet̵7;s diet is grains and seeds. Oats, canary seed, white millet and sunflower seeds are all good staples and should be fed to your parakeet every day. Parrot pellets sold at your local pet store are also a good choice. Remember that birds need a variety of foods just like humans do, so provide different grains every day.


    • The best source of protein for an Alexandrine parakeet are various bugs and larvae. These can be found in your yard or purchased at a pet food store and served in the grasses you put in your parakeet̵7;s dish. Also consider serving bugs on sticks. Alexandrine parakeets love to chew on sticks, as they simulate the same feeding environment they̵7;d find in the wild.