How to Attract Goldfinches to a Finch Sock Feeder

A finch sock feeder is irresistible to many different types of finches and is an asset if you want to attract goldfinches to your yard or garden. Fill these long mesh bags with the black oilseed, Guizotia abyssinica, and use the drawstring, that doubles as a loop, to hang the feeder and close off the top. Finches will flock to this feeder because they can perch on the soft sides of the bag, even in an upside-down position, while they feed. Sock feeder bags are a convenient and economical way to attract these attractive little songbirds to your garden. Commercially available bags normally hold about 10 ounces of this black oilseed, which is high in both calories and oil.

Things You'll Need

  • Thistle seed, Guizotia abyssinica variety
  • Tall tree
  • Sheltered pergola area (optional)
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      Loosen the drawstring and fill the sock or bag with black oilseed. Depending on the brand of commercial bag that you are using, each bag holds about 10 ounces of seed.

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      Tighten the drawstring and use the loop to hang the bag from the branches of a tree that is close enough to your house that you can enjoy the sight of the finches as they feed. Select brands of finch sock feeders have a nylon rope attached. Use this rope to secure the bag, if present. The carefully designed mesh material allows for maximum airflow, which keeps the seed dry and fresh.

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      Hang the feeder under a sheltered area as an alternative to hanging it in a tree. The advantage of sourcing an area protected from bad weather is that the seed will stay dry, even during rainy periods.

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      Observe how quickly the finches eat their seed and refill the bag when empty. The mesh design allows finches to cling with ease to the soft sides but discourages other bird species from feeding from it. Black oilseeds are of less interest to squirrels and larger birds, so competition is reduced for the finches, which are the birds you want to attract to your garden.

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      Provide water for wild finches near your seed feeder to help attract these attractive little birds to your garden.

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      Chase away other birds from the bag; even though they may not feed, their presence may keep the finches from using the feeder.