How to Feed a Fledgling Blackbird

During the early spring months, it is not uncommon to find a baby, or fledgling, bird on the ground. Some fall from the nest trying to avoid a predator while others end up on the ground after a failed attempt to fly. In most cases, you should do nothing except maybe try to locate the nest that the bird fell from. If none is found, you can hand feed a fledgling blackbird. Be prepared, as fledgling birds require constant feeding during daylight hours.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Old socks
  • Dry pet food
  • Bowl
  • Tweezers
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    • 1

      Establish a makeshift nest for the bird, preferably one outside. Fill an old shoebox or plastic container filled with old cloth such as socks. Keep the bird as warm as possible and away from predators such as cats and dogs,

    • 2

      Moisten dry pet food with hot water in a small bowl. Mix it well to make it soft for feeding.

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      Pick up a tiny morsel of food using tweezers. Tap the fledgling blackbird on the side of the beak with the tweezers; this should trigger a feeding response and the bird should open its mouth.

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      Place the food morsel in the bird's mouth; it should immediately swallow and open its mouth again. Repeat a few more times during this feeding.

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      Repeat the feeding process every 20 to 30 minutes until the sun goes down; birds generally don't feed during the night.

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      Attempt to locate the bird's nest as soon as possible; if unable to locate the next, attempt to release the bird after a day or two; it should be able to fly away on its own.