How to Hang a Jar of Peanut Butter for the Birds

Feeding wild birds can be a bird lover's dream. There are many ways to feed birds from your own backyard. You can place seeds in a bird feeder, or sprinkle the seeds on the ground. If you want to use a unique food mixture that birds really enjoy, consider using suet. Suet is created from peanut butter, seeds, dried fruit and any other edible treats. One way to serve suet to the birds is to hang up a jar of peanut butter. Not only are you reusing the jar, which is good for the environment, you are providing a nutritious treat for wildlife.

Things You'll Need

  • Empty jar of peanut butter
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Electric knife
  • Duct tape
  • Drill
  • Twine/fishing line
  • Small dowel
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      Clean out the jar of peanut butter. Use the peanut butter to make your suet in a large bowl. Scrap the sides of the jar to remove all the peanut butter you can, then wash the jar with soapy water. Rinse it well.

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      Throw away or recycle the lid. You don't need it. Turn the jar over on its side. Use an electric knife to saw off the bottom of the plastic jar.

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      Wrap silver duct tape around the sawed edges of the jar. This will protect the birds from sharp edges.

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      Puncture a hole in the side of the jar using a drill. This is how you will hang up the jar.

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      Tie a piece of twine or fishing line around a short dowel. Slide the dowel through the hole you drilled. You will have to turn the dowel vertically to slide it through. Turn the dowel horizontally once it's inside the jar.

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      Hang the jar up by tying the twine, or fishing line, onto a tree limb. Place your suet inside the container. Watch as birds and other wildlife enter and exit your jar.