How to Feed Ringneck Doves

The ringneck or Barbary dove is a hardy bird generally found in sandy tan on white colors. This popular pet bird lives for 12 to 25 years if it receives proper care. In addition to appropriate housing and favorable living conditions, providing ringneck doves with a healthy diet is important in maintaining their health. Offer these birds a healthy diet comprising protein, fat, vitamin and mineral supplements.

Things You'll Need

  • Dove seed mix
  • Wild bird seed
  • Wheat, milo, millet and small black oil sunflower feed seeds
  • Cracked corn, oat groats, shredded carrots and greens such as spinach, lettuce, endive, chickweed and watercress
  • Calcium-based grit
  • Multivitamin supplement
  • Clean drinking water
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      Feed ringneck doves a commercial dove seed mix or wild bird seeds as part of their main diet. You can also prepare a homemade seed mix for your doves by combining wheat, milo, millet and small black oil sunflower seeds.

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      Offer cracked corn, oat groats, shredded carrots and greens such as spinach, lettuce, endive, chickweed and watercress occasionally. Finely chop berries, apple and pears and feed. These foods will provide your doves with a natural source of vitamins and minerals.

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      Include a good calcium-based grit source as part of the diet. Offer crushed eggshells or oyster shells, which will also help meet your dove's calcium requirements. Ringneck doves consume seeds whole without breaking them down, and need grit to enable their bodies to grind and digest the hard seed.

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      Feed a multivitamin supplement formulated for doves. You can sprinkle it over their food or water once a week.

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      Provide access to clean drinking water at all times. Ringneck doves easily get dehydrated if they lack access to water.