How to Clean a Finch

While some exotic birds may require a bit more help from their owners, all varieties of finches are fastidious self-groomers that enjoy a clean cage and a simple daily bath. Though owners need to be vigilant to look for signs of illness or pests, finches make bird ownership easy -- provided the right tools, they will happily take over their grooming tasks.

Things You'll Need

  • Small dish
  • Clean, chlorine-free water
  • Liner paper
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    • 1

      Fill the dish with approximately 1 inch of clean, lukewarm water that is chlorine-free; tap water should not be used unless it has been allowed to sit in a wide-mouth jar or bucket for a day. Do not use cold water. Set out a dish that is large enough for the bird to fit into and heavy enough that it will not tip over easily as it bathes.

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      Move the finch's cage to a warm area of the house, free of drafts. If possible, position the cage near a sunny window to provide extra warmth.

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      Supervise the finch while it is bathing to avoid any type of injury. Once the bird has finished playing in the water and moved to a perch to dry, remove the bathing dish. Wash it out with mild detergent and allow it to air dry for the next day's use.

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      Remove the old liner paper from the bottom of the bird's cage; in addition to being soiled, it is more than likely wet from the bird's activity in the bathing dish. Replace it with fresh liner paper.

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      Keep the finch in the warm, draft-free area while it is drying so that it not become chilled and possibly ill. Do not use a hair dryer to speed the process; even if you are holding the dryer away from the bird to avoid injury, it could suddenly move closer to the dryer and accidentally burn itself.

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      Look the finch over carefully once it is dry for any signs of dry skin, molting feathers or bugs such as feather lice. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult with a veterinarian for the best method of making the finch more comfortable.