How to Clean a Moluccan Cockatoo

Moluccan cockatoos, popular among bird hobbyists, make a good choice for a family pet. As with any pet you are considering, you should learn as much as possible about the care of Moluccan cockatoos beforehand. Grooming a Moluccan cockatoo, for instance, includes bathing it to remove dirt and dander, keeping the feathers and skin clean and healthy. The best place to bathe your bird is in a shower stall. Because it is enclosed, your cockatoo won̵7;t be able to fly away, and it won̵7;t matter if the walls and floor get wet because of the bird flapping her wings.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Warmed filtered water
  • Water-resistant perch
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      Fill a spray bottle with warm filtered water.

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      Place a perch or other article for your cockatoo to sit on inside your shower stall.

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      Set your bird on the perch inside the shower. Speak softly, reassuring and friendly while you clean your cockatoo to keep her calm and not alarm her.

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      Show your bird the spray bottle before you begin misting her. Once she is aware of the bottle, you can begin spraying the water on her. Most birds enjoy bathing and will open their wings, allowing you to spray under them. Some may dip their heads and turn in different directions to get water all over themselves. It is necessary to drench them, getting them wet to the skin, in order to assure a thorough cleaning.

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      Remove the bird and the perch from the shower stall, but allow the cockatoo to remain in the bathroom to air-dry. After bathing, your bird will naturally preen and fluff her feathers, which will help the drying process. The bathroom will provide a warm, comfortable place for your bird so she won̵7;t catch a chill.