How Often Should a Bird's Wings Be Clipped?

Having a pet bird is a large commitment. Pet birds like the cockatoo can live for 60-80 years. Birds need food, clean housing, water, toys, grooming and attention. Birds like to be entertained and handled. If you provide your bird with a bowl of water it will bathe itself. Your bird should be checked by a veterinarian once a year to monitor its health. You need to have your birds wings clipped more regularly for safety.
  1. How Often?

    • Domestic birds should have their wings clipped every six to 10 weeks. During molting periods this may vary. Molting is when a bird sheds feathers and regrows new ones. Clip the wings if they become ragged or the bird is picking at them

    Importance of Clipping

    • Clip your birds wings so it doesn't get out of its domestic habitat. Birds that have full flight ability can easily get out of homes and cages. An escaped bird can become victim to the climate or prey. Clipping also prevents your bird from flying into high spaces and getting stuck or lost in the home.

    Professional Clipping

    • Let a professional cut your bird's wings. Clipping done incorrectly can cause pain and bleeding. There are only a few specific wings that get clipped. Your bird must be held a specific way while being clipped for breathing and comfort. Your bird may resent you for clipping its wings.


    • Your bird will not feel any pain. Clipping is harmless when done correctly. The bird will still be able to flutter off the ground and come back down. This is good exercise for your bird. The nails are also painless to clip and should be monitored to avoid infections.