How to Trim a Blue Front Amazon's Beak

Just like clipping your own nails, blue front Amazon parrots also need nail clippings. On top of the nail clippings, however, these birds also need regular beak trimming. Without regular beak trimmings, these birds run the risk of acquiring overgrown beaks that can hinder the eating process or cause injury to the bird. Beak trimming is painless for the bird.

Things You'll Need

  • Large clean towel
  • Chair
  • Photograph of properly trimmed beak
  • Bird nail clippers
  • Nail file
  • Cornstarch
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    • 1

      Get your bird out of its cage by coaxing it onto your finger. Distract it with a treat. Have another person quietly get behind the bird.

    • 2

      Have the person quickly place a large, clean towel on the bird. Cover the wings and feet of the bird with the towel. Wrap the towel snugly around the body with only the bird's head poking out.

    • 3

      Have the person sit down in a chair with the bird, holding the bird firmly yet gently. Holding the bird too tightly causes injury and distress to the bird. Do not make any loud noises or sudden moves. This only startles and upsets the bird.

    • 4

      Prop the picture up so it is within your range of view. Use this picture as a reference while you work on the beak.

    • 5

      Grasp the bird's beak firmly in your hand. Look at the excess beak growth. Hold the clippers horizontally and snip the growth off a little at a time until the beak is back to a normal size and proper appearance.

    • 6

      Run a nail file over the beak and over the newly clipped part a couple times. This smooths the beak out and dulls down any sharp edges.