How to Bathe Poultry

Sometimes its necessary to bathe poultry, such as when you are taking them to a fair or a poultry show. The feathers of poultry can become soiled, especially if they are white or of another light color. Giving poultry a bath can be beneficial in more ways than one; bathing your bird will help restore the natural oil back into its feathers, leaving them lustrous and shiny. With the proper items and technique, you can make this an enjoyable experience.


    • 1

      Place three bathing containers alongside each other prior to bathing your poultry. Pour two gallons of warm water into each of the first two containers, and two gallons of room temperature water in the third container. Add two tablespoons of mild detergent such as Ivory or Cheer to the first container and 1/2 cup of vinegar in the second container. The third container should have plain water for rinsing.

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      Firmly hold the poultry on both sides of its wings to prevent flapping. Lower it slowly into the first container of water. Release one of your hands and use it to lift the feathers in order to allow the soapy water to reach the skin. Use a sponge to gently wash under the feathers, starting from the base to the tips. Scrub the legs with an old toothbrush to remove dirt and dead scales.

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      Remove the poultry from the first container and place it in the second container. Gently scrub the bird in the vinegar water to remove as much of the soap as possible from the feathers. Any remaining soap residue will cause the feathers to stick together.

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      Take the bird out of the second container and place it in the third one. Rinse the feathers and skin thoroughly, then dry with a clean towel. Place the bird in a clean cage to air dry completely. Use a silk cloth to polish the feathers to a beautiful shine.