Things You'll Need
- Vegetable oil
- Multiple soft cloths
- Mild dish detergent
Calm the bird by placing your hand or a cloth over its eyes. If the bird is panicked, it may thrash around, getting stuck further or damaging feathers. If the bird has a favorite toy or treat, then that may assist you in keeping the bird calm while you remove the tape.
Dip a soft cloth in vegetable oil and gently apply to the stuck feathers. Work around the tape to slowly work it free. Do not pull on the tape, as it may damage the feathers.
Continue wiping down the feathers gently until the tape has been fully removed. Once the tape has been removed from the feathers, continue applying the vegetable oil until all traces of the adhesive have been eliminated.
Wash the affected feathers using a fresh soft cloth dipped in mild soapy water. Use a detergent, such as mild dish soap, that is gently on the skin and can break down grease and oils.
Return the bird to a location where it feels safe. This has been a traumatic experience for the bird and it may need some time to calm down. Cover its cage partially and speak to it in a calm voice to give it time to recover from the stress.