What kind of animals eat bird?

There are many kinds of animals that eat birds, including:

- Hawks

- Falcons

- Eagles

- Owls

- Kestrels

- Merlins

- Peregrine falcons

- Red-tailed hawks

- Cooper's hawks

- Sharp-shinned hawks

- Northern goshawks

- Accipiters

- Buteos

- Great horned owls

- Barred owls

- Snowy owls

- Screech owls

- Eurasian eagle-owls

- Golden eagles

- Bald eagles

- Northern harriers

- Western meadowlarks

- American kestrels

- Eastern screech-owls

- Great blue herons

- Green herons

- American crows

- Common ravens

- Blue jays

- Stellar's jays

- Canada jays

- Gray jays

- Scrub jays

- Brown thrashers

- Northern mockingbirds

- European starlings

- Common grackles

- Brown-headed cowbirds

- Orchard orioles

- Baltimore orioles

- Scarlet tanagers

- Summer tanagers

- Northern cardinals

- Pyrrhuloxias

- Blue grosbeaks

- Lazuli buntings

- Indigo buntings

- Painted buntings

- Dickcissels

- House sparrows

- European tree sparrows

- American goldfinches

- Lesser goldfinches

- Lawrence's goldfinches

- Pine siskins

- American redpolls

- Common redpolls

- Hoary redpolls

- Arctic redpolls

- Gray-crowned rosy-finches

- Black rosy-finches

- Brown-capped rosy-finches

- Purple finches

- Cassin's finches

- House finches

- Red crossbills

- White-winged crossbills

- Common crossbills

- Pine grosbeaks

- Purple grosbeaks

- Blue grosbeaks

- Lazuli buntings

- Indigo buntings

- Painted buntings

- Dickcissels

- Bobolinks

- Red-winged blackbirds

- Eastern meadowlarks

- Western meadowlarks

- Yellow-headed blackbirds

- Rusty blackbirds

- Brewer's blackbirds

- Common grackles

- Brown-headed cowbirds

- Orchard orioles

- Baltimore orioles

- Scarlet tanagers

- Summer tanagers

- Northern cardinals

- Pyrrhuloxias

- Blue grosbeaks

- Lazuli buntings

- Indigo buntings

- Painted buntings

- Dickcissels