How to Trim Your Pet Bird's Wings

If you know how to trim your pet bird's wings, you can eliminate the possibility that he will escape your home. It is very simple to do. Plus, it's painless for your pet bird. You are only hampering his ability to fly upwards, not his ability to glide downward to avoid a falling injury.

Before you attempt to trim your pet bird's wings, examine the feathers. You will notice they grow in rows along the wing span. The longest feathers are the flight feathers. These are the ones you'll be cutting as you trim your pet bird's wings. The row of small feathers above them are the coverts. Do not trim these. They will keep your bird's wings looking natural if you leave them alone. Read on to learn more.


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      Never attempt to trim your pet bird's wings if you notice a feather with a reddish brown shaft in the center. This is a new feather with it's blood supply still intact. Wait until the feather matures and the center shaft is clear or white before you trim your pet bird's wings.

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      It may be easier to work with a partner the first time you trim your pet bird's wings. Have one person wearing gloves gently hold the pet bird while you extend one wing.

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      Using a pair of sharp scissors, begin to clip the flight feathers just up to the bottom of the coverts, starting with the outermost one. Clip approximately the first four flights on each wing. Then, let your bird take a test flight. If he can still fly upwards, take off one more flight feather from each wing and test him again. Do not remove every flight feather. If you do, your bird will not be able to land properly.

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      Once your bird can glide downward easily, your job is finished--until his next set of feathers comes in. Then, it will be time to trim your pet bird's wings all over again.