What do pigeons eat in the city?

In urban environments, pigeons primarily feed on a diet of human-associated food sources. They frequently consume scraps, leftovers, and grains found on the ground, such as spilled popcorn, bread crumbs, and discarded birdseed. Pigeons are also known to raid garbage cans and food containers in search of sustenance. Their opportunistic behavior allows them to thrive in cities where access to natural food sources may be limited.

Besides scraps and fallen bird seeds, pigeons will also feed on seeds and fruits from trees, shrubs, and other urban vegetation. They may also frequent bird feeders and picnic areas where humans leave behind edible leftovers. Their varied diet also includes insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates that they can find in parks and gardens.

One concern related to pigeon feeding in cities is the spread of diseases. Pigeons can carry various pathogens and parasites that can be harmful to humans and other wildlife. It is therefore not advisable to feed pigeons and, instead, encourage them to forage naturally in urban environments.