What does an wood pecker eat?


Woodpeckers primarily eat insects, including ants, beetles, wood-boring larvae, spiders, and other small invertebrates found in or under樹皮. Their strong, pointed beaks and long tongues help them extract insects from deep within crevices and holes in trees.

Tree sap:

Some species of woodpeckers, such as the sapsucker, also feed on tree sap. Saps provide them with a source of energy, especially during the colder months when insects are less abundant. They create small holes in the bark of certain trees to access the flowing sap.

Fruits and nuts:

Woodpeckers occasionally expand their diet to include fruits, berries, acorns, and other plant-based foods. These plant foods provide additional nourishment when insect availability is limited.


Suet, a high-fat food substance made from rendered animal fat, is a popular food item for woodpeckers and other backyard bird species. Suet cakes or blocks can be hung in bird feeders to attract woodpeckers and help supplement their diet during the winter when food sources are scarce.