* Keep chickens in a securely covered enclosure. The enclosure should be made of strong materials that the eagle cannot break through, such as metal or heavy-duty mesh. The cover should be tight-fitting so that the eagle cannot get inside.
* Install anti-perching devices on your property. These devices can make it difficult for eagles to land on your property. Some available examples of anti-perching devices are: rotating bird deterrents, anti-roosting wire systems, and owl decoys.
* Remove any potential food sources for eagles. This includes dead animals, pet food, and garbage. Keep chicken feed in metal bins and clean-up promptly as they finish or spill chicken feed.
* Make your property unattractive to eagles. This can be done by planting trees and shrubs around your property, which will make it more difficult for them to hunt.
* Scare eagles away if you see them on your property. You can do this by making loud noises, throwing objects at them, or shooting loud bird bangers.