Birds have different nutritional needs compared to humans, and their digestive systems are designed to process certain types of food. Dry oats are not naturally part of a bird's diet and lack the necessary nutrients and moisture content that birds require.
Also, oats are a type of grain that can expand when it absorbs moisture, which can be dangerous for birds. If a bird eats dry oats and then drinks water, the oats can expand in its crop or digestive tract, causing discomfort or even impaction.
Instead of dry oats, consider offering birds other food options that are more suitable for their nutritional needs and digestive system. These include:
1. Bird seed mixes specifically formulated for different bird species.
2. Fresh fruits, such as berries, grapes, and apples (cut into small pieces).
3. Dried fruits, such as raisins and cranberries (soaked in water to soften them).
4. Nuts, such as peanuts and almonds (crushed or chopped into small pieces).
5. Cooked rice or quinoa.
6. Mealworms or other insects (live or dried).
7. Suet cakes or energy balls made with a mixture of birdseed, peanut butter, and other nutritious ingredients.
8. Fresh water should always be available for birds to drink.
When offering food to birds, make sure to do so in a clean bird feeder that is placed in a safe location, away from predators and potential hazards. Regularly clean and maintain the feeder to prevent the growth of mold or bacteria that can harm birds.